Money Matters. A Clip Blog.

Stay informed on the cash conversation: consumer trends, deposit challenges, and the growing Clip network.

Having witnessed the unwavering resilience of small business owners throughout my life, I’m inspired by their relentless pursuit fueled by passion and a commitment to serving their communities. These local heroes, the lifeblood of our economy, drive innovation and resilience. 

As the retail landscape evolves, the rise of "banking deserts"—areas where access to banking services is increasingly scarce—is becoming a significant challenge. This trend is affecting businesses in urban, suburban, and rural areas across the U.S. and Canada, creating new hurdles for those managing cash transactions.

In today's retail environment, where technology and consumer preferences are continually evolving, effective cash management is more critical than ever. This article clears up 3 most common myths about retail cash handling that lead to significant financial losses and wasted resources at both the local and enterprise scale.

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